It was over a year ago that we first met Rick and Letitia from California in Colombia. We enjoyed a Superbowl party with them in Ecuador before parting ways as we continued South. After spending more time in Ecuador and exploring Peru, they are now heading for Southern Chile to explore the Carretera Austral and Southern Patagonia. Our paths crossed once again in Villarica and we got a chance to meet up once again.
We spent a few days catching up with them as we explored the lakes and mountains of the region camping in Villarica, Pucón, and on Lake Caburga. It was great to spend time with friends once again, and although our time together was brief, we were grateful for the opportunity to share a few dinners and laughs with them.

Rick grilled up a yummy salmon fillet for dinner one night. The local cats thought it was great too.

We’d hope to drive all the way through the park, but late season snows kept the road closed and we were forced to backtrack.
On our way north along Ruta 5, we happened to cross paths with Peter and Lesley from the UK who we first met a few weeks ago in the lakes district. We told them of our plans and they decided to join us.
The colony is only now transitioning from being a closed, secretive community led by the autocratic Paul Schäfer, to a venue for weddings and events. When we arrived we were greeted by people wearing traditional European clothing. This wasn’t something put on for tourists, this was how they dressed. Everyone spoke to each other in German, and it felt much more authentic than the other European influenced regions we’ve visited.

After driving around the city of Santiago, we camped at a truck stop. We sat on top of a pile of rocks as the sun set trying to break pieces glass by throwing rocks at them. Not your typical family together time — we pull out all the stops when it comes to Quinn’s education!

The switchbacks on the way up to the pass separating Chile from Argentina are numbered – over twenty of them!

Near the top of the pass is the ski resort of Portillo, popular with ski teams from all over the world as an off-season training ground.
your photos continue to be amazing. quinn with his treet and the perfect poppy are exc. The beautiful lakes and mountains are always eye catching. you must have had a pils in the bavierian community. no? hts